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Chakra(s): solar plexus, third eye, and crown

About the stone: Lepidolite is a silicate containing lithium, aluminum and potassium. It fluoresces and is often found with other lithium minerals like tourmaline.

Astrological sign(s): Pisces

Mohs scale: 2.5–3

Spiritual uses: Lepidolite helps to hone psychic skills, including channeling and mediumship, while fostering a reasonable hold on this reality.

Mental uses: Lepidolite encourages a healthy, detached outlook on situations.

Emotional uses: Lepidolite carries the vibration of lithium, which is used medically to balance the emotions and limit or eliminate extreme mood swings.

Physical uses: The lithium contained within lepidolite holds the power to rebalance brain function and neurological functions.


Please note that each stone may appear a little different than the ones in the photo, each piece is unique and individual.

Lepidolite Tumbled

SKU: A135212
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